I would like to thank whoever created

for providing me with basis for my nformation!

~*S.C.I.A admin*~


Sheldon is one of the pickiest eaters on earth. That is why it is fun to see what he loves to eat.

Sheldon prefers his chicken diced, not shredded with low sodium soy sauce and spicy hot mustard, also brown rice instead of white.
Sheldon loves to eat at Big Boy, an American restaurant chain.
Sheldon eats at the Cheesecake Factory on Tuesday nights ( before the occasional Klingon Boggle game), which replaces eating at Big Boy (which then moved to Thursday until they had pizza on that day. Sheldon most likely eats at Big Boy whenever, or on special occasions.)
Sheldon eats Giacomo’s pizza on Thursday with sausage, mushrooms, and light olives. In The Agreement Dissection, however, Sheldon mentions that they used to order from a restaurant called Franconi’s, which went out of business, forcing them to switch to Grazziano’s.
Sheldon sorts his cereal numerically by fiber content.
Sheldon neither drinks coffee, nor alcohol, because he promised his mother that he wouldn’t start doing drugs while he resided in California. Instead he likes drinking diet Coke. When forced to order a cocktail, Sheldon solves the problem by ordering a “virgin Cuba Libre,” which is nothing more than a Coke in a tall glass, served with a lime wedge. He then goes on to ask if Penny would make it diet.
Sheldon likes Chinese food, and is adamant that the number of dumplings can be evenly split between all partakers of the meal.
Sheldon eats Thai food on Mondays – Mee Krob with extra peanuts.
Sheldon thinks chocolate pudding is the best one.
Sheldon does not believe that three-tined forks are, in actuality, forks, but tridents, and refuses to eat with them.
Sheldon doesn’t like to go to the cinema if he can’t eat Red Vines or drink Icees during the movie, and only if someone comes with him, so that he/she can give him the Heimlich Maneuver in case he chokes on popcorn.
Sheldon maintains that Icees and Slurpees are wholly different
Sheldon always eats oatmeal for breakfast on Mondays.
Sheldon always has French Toast for breakfast on certain days.
Sheldon rewards himself with “Honey Puffs” cereal.
Sheldon drinks herbal tea, sometimes with honey. His favorite flavor appears to be chamomile.
Sheldon drinks hot chocolate only in the months containing the letter “R” (January, February, March, April, September, October, November, December) explaining “What is life without whimsy.”
Sheldon dislikes haggis and blood pudding.
Sheldon believes that real Chili isn’t supposed to have beans in it.
Like Leonard, Sheldon hates Greek food, saying lamb kebab is “little cubes of charred meat that tastes like sweat”.

~*S.C.I.A admin*~

Mwa Ha Ha

Post full of quotes coming through!

—Quote when he makes a joke
(Knock, knock, knock) Penny, (Knock, knock, knock) Penny, (Knock, knock, knock) Penny.
—Quote from various episode whenever he knocks on Penny’s apartment.
That’s no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and it makes me sad.
—Quote from The Gorilla Experiment
On the contrary. I find the Grinch a relatable character, right until he succumbs to social convention and gives the presents back. What a buzzkill that was.
—Quote from The Maternal Congruence
I’m attempting to view my work as a fleeting peripheral image so as to engage the superior colliculus of my brain.
—Quote from The Einstein Approximation
How can someone think we’re going to blow up the moon!?! Now that’s a great question.
—Quote from The Lunar Excitation
—Quote from various episodes, usually after Wheaton messes with him
I am not crazy, my mother had me tested.
—Quote from various episodes, always said after someone calls him crazy.
“Mwa Ha Ha”
— Quote from Sheldon handing Penny’s underwear on the telephone wire.
~*S.C.I.A admin*~


This is my first post on!
I have just found a site full of Sheldons habits.  I will post parts of them at a time. Since I only created the  site today I will be posting a few things.
Just remember to keep an eye on the postings!
~*S.C.I.A admin*~